Search Results for: gay marriage

Over 30,000 people marched in Budapest Pride on Saturday and protested Hungary’s anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, according to local media. Ambassadors from various countries attended the event, including US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman. Pressman emphasized the United States’ support for the march, stating that the US “will always march alongside those standing up for human dignity, [...]


The Namibian High Court ruled Friday that the criminalization of “sodomy” and “unnatural sexual offences” is incompatible with the right of non-discrimination guaranteed under the Namibian constitution. In the case of Dausab v The Minister of Justice, applicant Friedel Dausab, a Namibian gay man working as an LGBTQ rights activist, stated that he endured hardship by [...]


New South Wales Premier Chris Minns formally apologized in Parliament House on Thursday to all those convicted or affected by laws that criminalized homosexuality, which was decriminalized 40 years ago. New South Wales is the last Australian state to apologize for these laws. Victoria and South Australia apologized in 2016, followed by the other three [...]


Recent Afrobarometer survey data (Round 8, 2019-2021) paints a stark picture with 86% of Kenyans and 93% of Ghanaians expressing intolerance towards the LGBT community. This high level of intolerance exists despite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guaranteeing non-discrimination based on sexual orientation. Furthermore, across Africa, laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual activity remain commonplace. [...]


Civil society is facing unprecedented challenges globally due to escalating conflicts and crises. In 2023, groups that were pivotal in advocating for human rights, offering humanitarian aid and giving a voice to the marginalized encountered increasing difficulties. Their work has become more challenging due to growing repression and conflict, yet they remain beacons of hope [...]


Ghana’s Parliament held the second consideration proceedings for an anti-LGBTQ+ bill on Wednesday, amid concerns that the bill would be stalled. The bill, which has received pushback from the LGBTQ+ community, prohibits individuals within the country from instigating, soliciting or encouraging “any activity that undermines proper human sexual rights and Ghanaian Family values.” Parliament rejected [...]


Russian media regulator Roskomnadzor on Friday began an investigation into the alleged spread of “LGBT propaganda” by the language learning application Duolingo, as reported by state-run news organization TASS. Specifically, Duolingo is suspected of running afoul of Article 5 of Russia’s law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development,” [...]


The House of Representatives of Thailand passed four bills on Thursday that propose to amend the country’s Civil and Commercial Code and legalize same-sex marriage. The four bills seek to change the wording such as “men and women” and “husband and wife” in the Civil and Commercial Code to “individuals” and “marriage partners,” allowing same-sex [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk condemned on Thursday the Russian Supreme Court’s decision to outlaw the LGBTQ+ movement in the country and label proponents of the movement “extremists” under new legislation. The court’s decision is the most recent development in Russia’s ongoing crackdown against LGBTQ+ people within the country. The Russian Supreme [...]